Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Shayne's Art 9/2/08

Shayne's First Time on a School Bus 9/2/08

Shayne going to the bus stop
Shayne getting off the bus in the afternoon

Shayne decided that he wanted to ride the school to and from school with his friends. The bus stop is only a few houses down from us, so it is actually easier then me taking him back and forth. I think he really likes the freedom that he has now that he is a big boy that goes to school.

The First Week Done 8/29/08

Shayne is ready for Friday
Shayne's Sanger Indian tattoo

I knew that football was big in Texas, but I never expected this. Every Friday during football season they sell tattoos, spirit ribbons and t-shirts for the kids to wear on Fridays. Then they even have little cheerleaders that are in second grade wearing the cheerleading uniforms to school. The teachers are all wearing football jerseys to support the school team too. Mind you we are talking an elementary school that is K-2nd grade. I guess some things really are bigger in