Turning his Cars alarm clock off
When his alarm went off he sat up and said "I have to get up this early, its still dark outside and I won't be able to see my numbers and letters" I promised it would be light out when he went to school and after relaxing in bed while I made his breakfast he got right up to start his day.

His three waffles for breakfast

Brushing his teeth

Shayne with his big cheesing smile, but looking so handsome for the first day of school

Ready to go with his
Spiderman backpack and lunch box

Me and my "Big Boy" that I love
soooo much

Shayne Casey and Mommy

Shayne and Daddy

Shayne telling Daddy I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!

Shayne at school ready to go!

Daddy and Shayne at school

Shayne and Mommy at school

Casey and me after Shayne went to his class (I did a good job of wiping the tears away)

Shayne saw me checking on him

Shayne all settled at his desk coloring(note he has got all the pretty girls by him : ) )

Shayne's class coming out

Shayne was pointing that he saw me

Shayne patiently waiting for me to get him.
He had a great day and I couldn't be more proud of him!
Okay, why you insist on making me cry, I don't know. I am so proud of him and you!! I can't believe how big he is.
P.S. I love the pic of you and him up close. You look SOOOOOOO pretty!!
you look soooo cute, I really like your backpack and lunch box, don't forget to send nana a paper from school so I can put it on the door to the freezer for everyone to see. I still can't believe it is time for him to be going to school. Shayne Nana is very very proud of you keep up the good work!!! nsns loves you bunches, and all around the world and back tell mommy to hook up the web cam so I can see you and you can show me some 0f your papers love nana
I am so proud of Shayne too. He did really well for a little guy who said he was never going to school. Tell him that Chance started kindergarten too, and has already had a note from the teacher sent home. lol
Mrs. Rittenhouse
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