I had done our laundry and it was sitting in a basket in the living room to be put away. For some reason Casey decided to play with the clothes. Although much to my surprise it wasn't to just dumped them all over the floor. She decided she was going to be Mommy. When I came back in the room I just laughed. To make it even better she was standing there telling me "I'm Mommy!"
Casey's ready for work
Too funny, but very much in style with her baggy clothes
Casey showing exactly how I feel after a Monday at work : )

(This is the scrubs that I wear on Mondays to work)
Thats my Casey Girl, looking as pretty as her "Mommy"......and they say kiddos don't pay attention as to their surroundings, Good Show Casey
She's TOOOO much. I'm ready to see her again!!!!
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