We went to Chloe's birthday party. The kids had a lot of fun playing together. It is hard to believe our little Chloebug is getting so big. We love you Chloe. Happy Birthday!
Chloe, Casey and Shayne playing in the sand
"Come On Mommy" ( Should I really trust that face? )
Chloe's princess cake
Chloe's presents from us a Nemo slip-n-slide,bubble bucket,books to practice numbers and letters and an outfit for the fall

Chloe excited about her presents
Chloe swimming

Chloe excited about her presents

Casey & Katee
Katee getting soooo big
Preston running from the hose that Shayne was spraying
Shayne in control of the hose
Happy Birthday Chloe!!
I think Casey can always be trusted Mommy...on the other hand, I might not trust Shayne if I were the one he was after while he was in control of the water hose :-)
Happy Birthday Chloe.........sure looked like all had fun at the party, butI might have to admit with Aunt Kary, ummmmmmm would I trust that little face, and gra gra would be the one running the fastest if Shayne had control of the hose :-)
I hadn't looked at the page in a while... love the pics from Chloe's party! I'm glad the kids had fun... I know Shayne did while he had that hose!! Haha... we'll have to get together again soon! Love you guys! :)
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