I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July. The kids and I had a nice day together. We went to a friend's house for a cookout and some swimming. Then we went to the neighbors house and enjoyed some homemade ice cream. The kids are still afraid of the fireworks, so we watched a few outside in the yard. Then Shayne liked watching it from our dining room window. Although they were not setting them off fast enough for him. He kept telling the fireworks to hurry up, but they just wouldn't listen. Casey on the other hand wanted nothing to do with the fireworks at all. She was much happier just going to bed.
The kiddos floating , because they are scared to swim
Casey floating the day away
Shayne working on his tan
Katee all ready for her first 4th of July
The kids and I wearing our red, white and blue proudly

Hi Shayne! Hi Casey!! Happy 4th!! We love you!!
Sure look good in those 4th of July outfits
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