Friday, October 26, 2007

Shayne's New Haircut 10/26/07

Shayne wanted a new haircut, so we took him today to get a big boy haircut. He was very excited about it, but Mommy had to fight back the tears.

Silly Shayne

Kiddos Play at Toys R Us 10/20/07

Our Toys R Us got remolded and the kids went to the grand opening. They got to see Spiderman, Dora, Geoffery, Care Bear and the Cat in the Hat. They had a good time.

Welcome Home 10/10/07

We made sure the whole neighborhood knew without a doubt that Matt was coming home. It was worth it all too to let him know how much we truly missed him. Although we could have lived without all the delays, but that just made it a true"army homecoming".

Welcome Home Daddy We Loved and Missed You

Side fence decorations
Poster from "The Gang" Deborah, John, Robin, Charlie and Courtney
Welcome Home hand prints from the kiddos
Mailbox and front yard decorations

Welcome Home in the front yard

Front Porch decorations

Their plane landing at Green Ramp

Everyone cheering them off the plane ( My sign Haircut 25.00, Tanning 20.00,New Outfit 50.00, Having My Soldier, My Hero, My Best friend Home = Priceless)

Casey and her sign

The soldiers first off the plane. Matt is the second up on the stairs he was third off the plane.

The soldiers in formation. Matt is in the front row third one from the right.

Marching into Green Ramp

Chrissy and the kiddos looking for Matt

By the way we didn't know where Matt was. If only I could have seen better when I was zooming in for the other pictures.

The kiddos found Daddy
Family Group Hug

Shayne getting Daddy

Matt happy to be home!


Daddy and his Darlin

The Kiddos countdown

Note the Army adjustment to the

Shayne the little helper 9/28/07

Shayne helped me finish the last section of mulch we had to bag up. I will help you mommy
I got the mulch
See I have strong muscles
Casey supervising