This requires a little explaining. Whenever the kids are being bad or getting on my nerves I tell them that I am going to send them away. Actually I tell them that I am going to put them in a box and send them to Tennessee to
Gra or Florida to Nana's house. They seem to think it is funny.
The other night we were outside playing when we got home. Then we were straighten things up in the garage and I had emptied a box and put it by the trash can.
Ofcourse the kids thought this was the greatest toy ever. A few moments later Shayne asked for sticky tape. When I asked him why he told me he put Casey in the box to mail to
Gra and Nana, so he needed tape to put on the box to mail it. When I opened the top of the box there was Casey with the biggest smile saying I am going bye-bye Mommy. I just had to laugh at them. Even funnier was after I got the pictures Casey was mad that she wasn't going bye-bye in the box and she had to get out.
Never doubt how much your kids understand what you are saying..... They will tell on you in a heartbeat : )!

I'm going Bye-bye

Bye Casey

I need sticky tape

I'll miss you.....